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Walking Question

We all have some sort of existential questioning about our being, our life, our shared reality, or the purpose of it all. These deep philosophical questions run somewhere in loops in the back of our minds no matter who we are.

I like to call them Walking Questions. They are like big wonderings and contemplations about our shared existence that I actually don't really expect to find any concrete answers to. I don't look for the answers; I want to understand the actual question even deeper.

The questions themselves represent a complex journey of discovery and experimentation over a long period of time. The framing of the question and how it evolves over time becomes more important than the actual answers.

What is the existential question I have walked with for a very long period of time that pushed me to create a business to go even deeper in my explorations and experimentations around it?


Since I was a child, I have been amazed by how different the life experiences of people are depending on whether they like what they do at work or not.

The way people talk about their job is very interconnected to how they feel about our shared reality and how 'happy' they are in other spheres of their lives.

The correlations and interdependencies you can observe between the professional and personal life of a person are mind-blowing and astonishingly accurate in regard to some tendencies.

The way they manage their career is usually very similar to how they manage themselves or their bodies and their families or social circles.

In my adult life, I had to experience on my own skin the depth of this specific interdependence many times, the interplay between my inner system or my personal reality and what I do at work or my bigger social role in the workplace through the job I do.

What we do at work and the quality of the rest of our lives are deeply interconnected and even entangled together.

The work we do can make us very sick. It can also heal us.

The decisions and choices we make at work can support life, its evolution, and its natural regeneration process, or they can encourage its exponential destruction and further deregulations of natural and social systems.

If the job you do contributes more to the regeneration process than to the destruction of our collective life-related systems, you will be healthier and happier!

You will also be more motivated, more performant, and more creative.

If your job has real meaning and systemic coherence to you and your deep inner values, you will become the best version of yourself in all aspects of your reality.

Just observe around. The evidence of what I am sharing right now is astonishing and very mind-blowing in our human experience.

The fact that mental, emotional, and physical health issues are skyrocketing everywhere is directly interconnected with the fact that the jobs we do daily make less and less sense for who we truly are and what we authentically desire to co-create as a shared reality to experience together.

The inner values we promote in our personal lives are usually not completely aligned with what we actually do as a job or work in the shared system. We use excuses like: it's just a job, I have no choice, my boss wants me to do this, but we actually don't realize the price we pay with our own health and personal well-being each time we use any of those excuses to justify the nonsense of our actions at work.

If our values are not aligned between our personal and professional lives, we will at some point experience mental confusion, emotional distortions, and as a result of all of that, immune, hormonal, and nervous imbalances directly in our physical bodies.

The work you do impacts both the health of your inner micro-system and the quality of our shared reality or the 'health' of our collective macro-system.

If what you do regenerates and improves the macro-system of our shared reality, you will actually heal and regenerate your personal inner system at the same time. Your work will literally heal your body, your heart, and your soul.

If what you do destroys in any way Nature or Humanity, you will deeply suffer internally and get sicker and sicker mentally, emotionally, and physically because of what you do at work.


Your work is making you deeply sick and unhappy if what you do is not fully pro-life.

We usually have a lot of very creative denial schemes and protection mechanisms in our psyche to believe we can have a wall between who we are at work and who we are at home. But the truth is you can't.

You are the same person and the same body no matter where you are. Your values and the way your nervous system functions are the same. You can put on masks, play many roles, and pretend many things about yourself depending on the context. But the truth remains, what you have inside your system and how it works for you is the same no matter where you are and how much you are paid for it.

Your heart doesn't have a switch between your personal life and professional life.

Your heart feels the nonsense of your actions no matter the story your mind can create for you to feel more comfortable about what you do at work.

Your heart doesn't have excuses. Your heart knows and suffers every time you disrespect your own values and personal integrity. Your heart pays a very heavy price for each incoherence between your beliefs, your values, and your actions.

Your heart doesn't care about what kind of job contract you have signed or what kind of promises you made to your boss for the money he offers you.

Your heart is about the coherence between what makes sense for you and what makes sense for the whole. The more harmony between the two, the more your heart will be in joy.

The more your heart is filled with joy, the more your body processes come back to their most optimal and efficient configurations. The more what you do makes sense to your soul and mind, the more your body will access its natural processes and authentic power for the cellular regeneration of your entire system.


So, I guess if I had to summarize my own existential walking question in this moment and time it would probably be something like this:

How do we actually use our work and job as a tool or strategy for healing individually and regenerating our collective system at the same time?

How do we create a workspace and job culture that is regenerative and nourishing to our bodies and to our natural ecosystems simultaneously?

How do we make sure what we do daily contributes to the systemic coherence and well-being of all life forms and not to personal burnout, war in another country, or the destruction of our shared ecosystems?

How do we create businesses, sectors, and industries that create jobs like that?

How do we create economy, politics, society, and technology visions and strategies that are coherent with our personal values and dreamy aspirations for a more meaningful future?

How much will the 'system' change naturally and even effortlessly the day we actually do what we truly believe in and what we feel in our hearts while we work?

What will happen when we have the courage to co-create together what we actually desire to experience as a shared reality?



Do you enjoy what we create here ? 

I have made a choice to distribute most of my creative work completely for free and publicly accessible.

That being said, I would like to translate some of my work into other languages and publish it to reach a larger and less online-based audience.​


To accomplish this dream, I need support from those who find my writing worth encouraging.


If you would like to contribute to my contemplative writing and its further flourishing, please consider to support us.

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