Nothing is created
Nothing is destroyed
Everything is transformed
And we believe transformation can occur through a process of coherent and wise co-creation. Plus, it can actually be very fun and even regenerate our bodies and our planet along the way.
"If this is so simple, why don't we all do it to create a 'system' that makes sense to us?"
We don't do it not because it's not simple, but because it's not easy.
Transforming the system is hard because it requires deeply comprehending why we are living in a dysfunctional world today.
We need to understand it not only mentally but also feel it in our hearts and embody this wisdom in our daily lives. This is truly hard to do, especially at the collective level.
We naturally resist change, which is human and normal. Yet, it is deeply unnatural to who we truly are.The only certainty we have about life and nature is constant change.

Our capacity to co-create in alignment with that part of the unknown defines the quality of our collective system and the well-being of our planet.
This is exactly what we do.
We play, we innovate, we learn, and we co-create together a shared path to a 'system' that is coherent, resilient, and meaningful to all of us.
How do we manage our relationships?

We believe in
creatively decentralized,
coherently organized approach to work together

Our community is systemic, flexible, and always evolving
1/ Constellation of co-creators
This includes key partners (people and organizations) with whom we intimately work in our network activities. We collaborate on various long-term initiatives together. We trust and support each other, ensuring that our collective strategy is coherent and aligned with the values of our global community.
2/ Collaborative systems
This encompasses the people we engage with on various holistic projects, our network clients, and even our 'competitors.' Our collaborators have exclusive access to our tools, services, and strategic retreats. Our shared vision is to foster the transfer of wisdom and the direct application of systemic innovation.
3/ Network of Participation

Be part of our community.
Please note that our newsletter and updates are primarily distributed via the Substack platform.