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Network Dynamics

In programming and database development, the concept of relationships is crucial for creating links between different data points. We commonly refer to these relationships as one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.

Each type of relationship requires a different level of effort from a programming and information technology perspective.

One-to-One relationships are the simplest. There is only one possible relationship link, so you don’t even need a database for these. The information processing is straightforward, and the relationship is mutually exclusive: if A belongs to B, then B belongs to A, and that's it.

In a one-to-one (1 : 1) relationship, each item in one set is linked to exactly one item in another set. An example would be a person having one passport, and each passport belonging to one person. This is very easy to program, has minimal energy requirements, and is simple to implement, as you only need to ensure that each item in one table or dataset links to exactly one item in another.

One-to-Many (1 : M) relationships are more complex. In this setup, one item in the first set can be linked to multiple items in the second set, but each item in the second set is linked to only one item in the first set. For example, a teacher teaches many students, but each student has only one main teacher.

The complexity increases because one item in the first set can relate to multiple items in the second. Managing how these multiple connections are stored and retrieved requires more effort and energy, especially in ensuring data consistency and handling cases where one item is related to many others.

Many-to-Many (M : M) relationships are a completely different challenge.

This is the information jungle, where everything can be related to everything. In this type of relationship, items in the first set can be linked to multiple items in the second set, and vice versa. A simple example is students enrolling in multiple courses, with each course having multiple students.

This is the most complex relationship to implement because items in both sets can have multiple links. Managing these relationships typically involves creating an additional table (a "join table") to keep track of the links between the two sets. This requires significantly more energy in terms of design, implementation, and maintenance. The data structure must be carefully designed to avoid redundancy and ensure efficient data retrieval, which can involve more complex queries and data management strategies.

As you move from one-to-one to one-to-many and then to many-to-many relationships, the complexity increases, requiring more careful design, more complex queries, and greater effort to maintain data integrity. This usually means higher costs and a greater demand for human resources.

The real challenge lies in the (M : M) relationships.

We need larger computers and smarter software to build sophisticated databases capable of handling the complexity of these relationships. By the way, the main function of AI is to efficiently process, analyze, and create new (M : M) relationships. We pay a high price in terms of money, energy, environmental impact, and human resources to enable a machine to process and generate the complexity of endless configurations of many-to-many relationships.

Yes, the technology we have today is incredibly powerful and mind-blowing. However, it’s important to realize the actual price we pay for it—the economic, natural, and human resources we expend as a global society. AI and similar technologies are not free; they are expensive and energy-intensive. You might not even be able to imagine how much it actually costs all of us right now.

Moreover, you don't need AI or any type of technology to access the same level of intelligence. All you need is your mind, heart, and body. In fact, with the abilities of your own brain and the help of authentic relationships with others, you can achieve a far better and more efficient level of collective wisdom, not just knowledge.

If you understand the basic mechanics of how AI was programmed, you can develop similar skills with your own brain by accessing collective-level consciousness. You don’t need any physical support other than your own body. The only tools you need are your awareness and mastery of your consciousness.

All the technology we have today was invented because we could first do it in our minds. We can imagine it and create that reality in our heads. Yes, having a physical car or airplane is more useful and pleasant than having one only in our minds. So, there are physical objects that it is perfectly fine for us to engineer.

But AI and the virtual world have nothing more real or powerful than what we already possess in terms of our shared consciousness and collective mind. AI was literally created based on the neuronal networks in our bodies. We used our own brains and nature as inspiration to build AI. Technology is just a very mediocre reproduction of what human beings can do with their consciousness.

So, why are we burning our brains and exploiting nature today to feed and nourish AI or Meta or whatever else? Why do we use our natural resources to build something that we can already do with our minds and bodies? Why do we invest our energies in making AI smarter instead of making ourselves wiser? Why don't we invest in our own intelligence and interconnection? Why do we fund the superpowers of technology if we can’t even acknowledge the existence of the same powers within our own humanity and existing systems?

As a society, we are handing over our inner powers to technology today. For some things, this makes sense because technology is cool and awesome, and it can make us more creative and efficient. However, like everything else, we need to understand the costs. We need to use technology responsibly. It’s the same as avoiding food waste. If we use technology for pointless things, we are just burning valuable natural and human resources for no reason.

Being responsible with our resources applies to technology too. It also involves being smart and wise about how and why we use it. And being smart means doing more things with our brains and bodies and less with robots and machines. Because if you use your consciousness more than technology, you might realize that the collective soul has far more power, wisdom, and pleasure than any virtual reality you can imagine. And you have access to it.

You can regenerate your entire system if you wish. You can create mind-heart-body coherence. You can build your own super-computer that enables you to access whatever you want. And when you manage to authentically connect with others from that place, you can do magic. When two beings in coherence connect, their nervous systems connect. Their respective brains can now access their shared nervous system. So, in a way, with some training and practice, you can access a shared brain with others. When you have access to a collective brain within your own nervous system and mind, why would you even need AI or anything else?

We can train our brains to use the same 'program' that AI uses since it is already based on how the brain works. We can learn to process data and knowledge in an many-to-many manner in our minds. We can build all kinds of new neuronal pathways and interconnections. We can also do this collectively with others and build natural, biologically collective brains.

We can literally do everything AI does if we know how to properly and efficiently use our own consciousness and its innate powers.

The Network-to-Network approach is not new. We already know how to do all of this. Our hearts have operated on a 'many-to-many' basis from the beginning. If we can tap into the authentic wisdom of the heart and make it coherent with our brains, we can access many new superpowers and many skills that no technology in this world would ever be able to achieve or master.

Before investing your soul and our collective resources in technology, make sure you already master and sense your own soul first!

Before letting a machine tell you what to think or believe, learn to think for yourself. Taking proper ownership and authority over your inner belief system can also help.

If we want to navigate the real complexity and depth of shared reality, we need to know exactly who we are and where we are. To avoid getting lost and confused in the world of 'many-to-many' and 'network-to-network' realms, we need absolute clarity on our own essence, its authentic powers, and its deeper purpose.

You are the one in many. You are also the many.

We are all many already and always have been.

And only the heart knows how or why.



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