To look inside is the simplest definition of introspection. In psychology, introspection refers to the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.
Introspection and extraspection are not the same thing. You cannot truly trust your power of extraspection if you are not investing enough of your energy and time in the introspection process first.
While introspection means first-person access to one's own conscious states, extrospection stands for second- and third-person access to a person's conscious experience.
Proper introspection is a prerequisite for doing any real extraspection work with others. You cannot access someone else's conscious experience safely and wisely if you have no idea who you are or what you have hidden inside your own soul. Before inspecting and analyzing others or the surroundings around you, you must learn how to master and comprehend your own consciousness and why it works the way it does.
Before you can comprehend the world outside of you, you should spend some time understanding something meaningful about yourself and mastering the proper introspection process within your personal human experience.
Your guidance to others is meaningless and useless if you do not understand why you say the things you say or do the things you do. If you do not get the "intra," you cannot make logical and coherent sense of the "extra" either.
Real extraspection requires many things, but your personal connection with 'angels' or God usually has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Your capacity to self-reference and use your power of introspection enables you to be a valuable resource to others in the proper extraspection process, not your self-conviction that you are channeling the higher wisdom of divine power of some sort (or your Ph.D. in psycho-analysis).
You cannot understand how the consciousness of others could potentially work if you have no idea how yours operates already. You cannot know someone intimately and truly if you do not know yourself first. You cannot love and unconditionally accept the wholeness of another if you do not yet see the majestic wholeness and unbreakable completeness of your own self.
Introspection is important.
We often think introspection is only useful for 'depressed' or suffering people, but that's not true. Introspection is valuable and meaningful for everyone, no matter the feelings we are experiencing or the thoughts we are thinking.
It is even more important for people who believe they are guiding, healing, or helping someone to be better through their extraspection capacities.
Some people do strange things with their consciousness and awareness. Some internalize the experiences of others and start introspecting their thoughts and feelings inside their system for some reason. They literally take the emotional baggage from others and start dealing with it as if it were their own.
They inspect the lives of others and use their mental and emotional processes to analyze the consciousness of someone else. They use the process of extraspection, but now they think it has something to do with them. They inflate their spiritual ego by giving us guidance about what we should be doing, but in reality, they have no idea.
They use us to better understand parts of themselves and introspect something they have not actually experienced themselves, but they did not exercise any power of authentic extraspection with us in that process.
This is the deep and clever dark side of most of the gurus or spiritual healers in this world. They actually 'steal' our suffering (or karma) to empower themselves. They internalize our pain. We feel better and think they have healed us.
What we do not realize is that by taking our pain or suffering from us, they have also stripped us of our inner resources and personal power. This is why we start glorifying them and thinking they are some sort of super or divine human. This is also how they become popular and build a proper following. Their reputation and notoriety are literally built with the power you give to them.
The problem is that you do not see all of that. You think their power is given by higher forces and energies to them, but truly you are the one feeding their ego and giving the personal wealth of your soul to them.
The problem is that even if you continue to praise the guru in your life, your suffering will still come back to you one day or another.
You will still need to do some deep introspection process all by yourself to make any meaning of your inner reality. You will need to sit down with your suffering, take your powers back from others, and deal with your challenges like a grown-up human being.
Introspection is not about faith or trust in the powers of an imaginary god or a self-made guru of some sort; it is about authentic courage and self-responsibility to take a proper look inside our own soul and deal with our suffering, not expecting it to magically disappear if we pray correctly to the right being.
It is about fully listening to all the nonsense we tell ourselves and all the fairy tales we have invented in our heads to feel better about the chaos of our own inner systems.
A real 'guru' only talks about themselves. They introspect their own experiences and humbly share them with you. They do not care about what is going on inside of you and are not trying to magically heal your suffering. Because they know that your pain is also a resource for you. They know that your suffering is your challenge to deal with and your personal power to harvest, not theirs.
They know the gifts of you taking responsibility for your own inner reality and personal experience. This is why they will rarely interfere with most of the things you might decide to do or believe in. They are not interested in your power (or your suffering) to become more powerful themselves. They are interested in you taking back your own powers from the places that make you suffer to start with.
They do not want you to blindly follow them. They want you to follow your own soul and inner power. They do not want to heal (or steal) your suffering; they want you to learn how to collect the gifts and resources from your suffering yourself. They do not want to extraspect you; they want you to introspect yourself.
They do not want you to need them to be well. They want you to become a resource for yourself and appropriately learn how to use your power to externalize your dreams without needing their 'guidance' or channeling of some sort.
You are your own best-known guru. Use your power to empower yourself and your life, not those you would like to magically save or fix you for some reason.
When you truly see the beauty of the authentic introspection process, you would probably not use any of your extraspection powers with others anymore. You would become normal and care more about your matters, not the suffering of the entire world or the personal business of others.