Brain is a fascinating mechanism.
Its need for separation, labelling and categorization is inherent to its proper functioning and yet its natural tendency to open-mindedness and wonder in the open field of nothingness is absolutely indissociable of the main functions of the same brain (just realized mindedness almost sounds like madness, haha).
It actually behaves simultaneously as an 'open system' and a 'closed system'.
And to appropriately use our brain capacity, we potentially would need to be able to hold both (or more, but this one for another reflection time) perspectives in our awareness as well, and also simultaneously.
The one of the closed and the one of the open system at the same time.
Consciousness is acting out as double stream of consciousness.
The Observer and the Observed.
One eye creates and the other one experiences its own creation. The original split that makes reality tangibly possible for us to experience.
In thermodynamics, an open system can exchange matter and energy with its environment and the closed system can only exchange energy.
For Life to happen as we know it, both are actually required.
There is also an 'isolated system' that does not exchange anything. This is a case of a thermos to keep the tea hot long enough or a case of a potentially very depressed and stuck mind if we continue using this metaphor for the brain.
In science, we already know that Matter is actually Information. Well, if we look deep enough, energy too is information, but way less structured and way more unstable. It's like the information that you can't actually observe, only 'sense'.
Ok, except for the Light you would say. If I turn the ‘’electricity’’ switch on, I don’t only sense it, I See the Light, no?
Well, yes you do, but light has a mass; therefore it's considered both Energy and Matter, so it carries the Information too.
But, anyways, I am getting distracted again. Let's go back to the brain fascination.
So, let's assume then that the closed system exchanges Energy only and the open system exchanges both Energy and Information.
What would that mean if I contemplated my brain activity in those terms?
When does Energy become Information during my interaction with Reality?
What is the actual difference between both? How do I experience this difference?
How do I hold a double perspective in my awareness of the closed and the open system at the same time?
What does this actually change in my personal way of playing with Reality?
So, when I am stuck in a closed system mindset what happens?
In the closed system, even if the information is not shared, the energy transfer happens anyway. You can feel if someone's 'vibe' lights up something in you or not and sometimes they don't even need to actually talk for you to already Know it.
This is Energy doing its background 'communication' and signal processing for you. No matter if you are closed or open or both. This is being done whether you like it or not.
It's when you want to apply to a job, and just while the company page gets uploaded you are already feeling like you would never work for them even if you haven't even actually seen or read anything about them yet. You ‘’sense’’ stuff, but you don't know why or how you sense what you sense.
But, because you are 'smart' and you know you are stuck in a closed system mindset you will try to get some Information about it in order for you to make a decision that not only 'feels' right, but also IS right for you.
So, you will wait for the upload of the potentially boring webpage (or not) and actually read it. You will shift your perspective from a closed system to an open system mindset.
You need to get outside the box from which you ‘sense’ stuff to actually look and ‘’communicate’’ with your surroundings to make any logical sense of what you have felt inside the box of the closed system mindset.
And from there many things could potentially emerge and in many different forms. But I would not diverge on all of them now.
One of the interesting things that can happen is that you could focus so much on Information content that you get completely disconnected from the Energy dynamics that are happening simultaneously and you can even forget where a fuck is your original ‘box’ now.
So, you start ''rationally'' think about this job offer and it actually seems perfectly fine even if your stomach started hurting and you wanted to have a piece of cake now while you were reading their webpage.
But who cares, it pays well, its closed to the metro station and it has good benefits.
Ok, I'll pour myself a glass of wine too, this would make me forget about that weird feeling I had when I first opened that page... And I'll continue reading just to 'think' a bit more about it.
Ok, so yeah! Now, I am ‘reasonable’, I guess. I will apply. I can do this! This is what everybody does, no?
It makes sense, right?
So now, in your head, you are like an open system of only information with complete detachment from the energetic field connected to that data.
This would be like the 'anti-closed system', where there is a flow of matter/information with no transfer in energy. This phenomenon is actually ''almost'' impossible in thermodynamics.
So, when we process data only logically and rationally in our brain, based only on facts we actually disobey the natural law of physics and the universe itself.
Pretty cool making the impossible possible...or stupid. All depends on the perspective (or prospective) I guess.
Anyways I am getting sidetracked. Come back to the topic.
Normally, we can't cut our brain from processing energy no matter what we do. Except maybe if we are already a zombie or AI.
But we can train ourselves to disconnect from it and construct an alternative system of beliefs that would make that reality based only on Information possible for us.
And fascinatingly enough, we live in the age of times where we actually experience this collectively.
And even the entire field of popular science today is only considered 'science' if it fits in this (scientifically impossible) belief system.
When there is the unobservable Energy flow involved in the Science Bubble Reality, we either talk about true geniuses, mystics, witches, maybe even aliens or the crazy people who have taken way too many drugs in their lives.
We have constructed a collective belief system (or a mass delusion) that all that matters is data. And the more it's disconnected from the Energy exchange that happens anyways in the background, the better it is!
We collectively live in the impossible ‘anti-closed system' that was created by our own mind!
This is truly mind-blowing... And somehow funny and sad at the same time.
So now, in the case of an open system mindset, but when I restrict the actual data flow, what happens?
What does it look like in my brain when only Energy is being exchanged, but no Information is being shared in the open system mindset?
Hm, this is interesting.
You actually get access to the sensing of the Field with absolutely no form attached to it. It’s like being in the water but having no idea if you are in a fishbowl, under the rain or in the ocean.
It’s like being one of the atoms of water in the water and surrounded by water. Where, how, why makes no difference and is completely irrelevant for you in this state.
You know you have access and the potential to sense and even experience whatever you want. But the complete absence of structure will make you wonder if you are dreaming or if you are being delusional or if you are already crazy or maybe… even dead. Or all of that at the same time.
And once again, none of this actually matters in this space for you.
Until you have not exchanged some Information in this ‘open system’ framework, you literally cannot process this Energy you are sensing from the Field. Your brain simply needs that information in order to integrate that energy into the closed system ‘box’ of the consciousness running in your brain.
Creating a closed system framework means splitting the consciousness in two in order to be able to actually observe whatever you want to observe.
Interacting with an open system mindset would mean being willing to exchange some kind of Information in order for you to basically extend your awareness and build your way back to reintegration of this new version of consciousness into your closed system mindset.
Once it's done, you simply restart and continue the loop of a very fun game (or not that fun, also depends on perspective).
Once the information is being exchanged in the open system, the entire dynamic of both the Observer and the Observed shifts. Your box is not the same and the Field is not the same either.
And when the reintegration happens, when the two become the One again, this new One is way more sophisticated and ‘’expanded’’ form of the initial consciousness that has split at the beginning of this ‘’open-close-open-...’’ loop process.
And this could be radical. Very radical. We like calling it ‘’quantum’’ these days.
Not many know what it actually means, but hey we love using buzzwords that are confusing and mysterious. It sounds cool.
‘’I don’t know how to explain, but you feel what I am saying, right?’’ is becoming enough now to make the entire networks of people use words they don’t understand the meaning of.
This is the case of the overuse of 'knowing' how to interact energetically with the Field, but not knowing how to actually navigate in it and how to exchange the right quantity and quality of Information to continue the natural process of evolution of consciousness and its expansion.
So, I guess I still have not answered the original question. What a fuck it means holding both perspectives simultaneously?
But my brain feels like it wants to go back to the closed system mode for a bit and actually stop doing this for now.
So, to be continued. Well, maybe or maybe not, I guess. If the Information is still out there outside my ‘’box’’ of perceptions, floating gracefully somewhere in the Field.
If not, well, I’ll remember the ‘’sensing’’ part of it and I could maybe create a cool delusional reality about it in my mind just to continue playing with the concept in my own head.
In reality, maybe, no one knows, and no one actually cares.