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(This might get a bit too wild and deep for some sensitive souls. You are warned and advised in advance.)

Life is precious and fragile.

We often don't fully realize how much until we actually lose it. Some might say, well, then until we die, we can't truly grasp it, so we might never actually know. Maybe, or maybe not.

Maybe some people have such intense life experiences that they come to understand how vulnerable and fragile life is while they're still alive. Maybe some can experience 'death' fully without actually dying.


When a woman is pregnant, she is creating another life within herself.

Her deep consciousness is literally dealing with two lives simultaneously, and her nervous system is completely interconnected with another forming living system. If she experiences a miscarriage, she experiences 'death' itself in her own system and body without dying. This experience will most likely deeply transform the woman and her inner world—and most likely the unborn life she was carrying, too.

Full disclosure: I have not experienced miscarrying a child as a mother myself. That said, I had a mother who miscarried a child. In some very wild parallel realities, I know very well how it feels to be a miscarried child. What it is like to 'die' before even being born.

And I can also now understand why a child might decide not to be born.

It's in the name itself. Mis-care, which means improper care. Before the guilt trips begin, you need to understand something important—it's a very deep paradox. The mother might feel guilty herself for losing the child, or she might blame others around her. The unborn child, too, might feel guilty for dying or might try to blame the mother or someone else for how things unfolded.

Both might be stuck in a very clever shame-guilt loop.

But it's no one's fault.

This loop is completely pointless. There is actually no one to blame. It's the paradox of love itself. Something unknown happened that caused us to feel a lot of pain, and our brains need some kind of justification to calm down. Our minds can't settle if the heart doesn't understand the deeper truth behind our suffering. It's normal to blame and shame ourselves and others for what happened, but the more we walk the path of forgiveness, the more we might realize the essence of the paradox behind our suffering. We might see a very simple truth—that actually no one is harming anyone on purpose or intentionally.

We all do our best, and we achieve the best results we can all the time. We always love others to the maximum of our capacities and according to what we know is possible. We give our best all the time, but sometimes it can feel like it's not enough or like there’s some kind of lack of love. We might think people are bad or inherently messed up, but they just haven't yet learned how to love more wisely or be loved better. We are in a constant evolution. We love in the way we know how to love. And we learn every day to love better. All of us!

The paradox of forgiveness is very deep. When you truly realize that there is absolutely no one to blame for anything (including yourself), this is where actual liberation comes. When you don't see anything but love itself around you in the present moment, you won't be troubled by suffering anymore. You’ll see and feel it with the same love and peace in your heart, even if it’s deeply painful.

If a mother is able to see and feel this, she might realize that the real gift the unborn child is offering her is actual liberation from all suffering. An unborn child shows her everything she needs to see to be truly free. And she offers the same to the unborn child. It’s one of the deepest exchanges of mutual love and trust that beings can experience between them. The gifts they offer to each other are truly priceless.

The suffering of miscarriage holds the keys to the heart of humanity. When you truly unpack the gift of forgiveness for all the mis-care in your relationships on both sides, you will see the real illusion behind our collective suffering.

You will just know that all there is, is pure and simple love—and it has always been this way.


A child chooses their parents for a reason.

Sometimes they might be making that choice very consciously before even the conception of new life. Sometimes they might even be around the parents to get to know them better and make that choice in a conscious and co-created manner with them. And sometimes they might be the ones to oversee the process of their own incarnation.

Sometimes, the parents-to-be might 'test' or even deeply hurt people around them without even realizing they might be doing it directly to their future child.

When very conscious parents want to have very conscious children and ask for it with intent, the souls that answer this kind of call are usually very conscious and skillful as well. They will do their best to ensure their proper reincarnation into another life without destroying their own consciousness too much.

A conscious child also wants very conscious parents. It’s a mutual kind of deal. And the more conscious the soul to be reincarnated is, the more clever the techniques its consciousness might use to 'study' or even 'test' the future parents (or the entire 'system' where they might choose to be born).

Life is fragile.

Parents might be deeply hurting the soul of the unborn without even realizing it. They might be hurting people around them, and the unborn might see it or even experience it from their future parents. If the hurt is too deep, the soul might decide it's too dangerous to be fully incarnated here and change plans. A very conscious soul might decide not to be born if it suddenly represents too many risks to preserve the integrity of its own awareness in the old and the new reincarnations.

A soul might decide to be miscarried on purpose.

The reason is simple: survival of the soul itself.

Each soul has a purpose.

A soul might believe it’s unsafe to reincarnate now because the risk of being misled and misguided by their caregivers is too high. If they are scared of losing their own inner mission and purpose during the new reincarnation process, they might choose not to be born.

'Breaking' or successfully accomplishing the terms of the birth-soul contract between parents and the unborn child is a very intense experience for the consciousness of both souls and everyone else around them. The contracts that involve the actual creation of new life are very important, and when broken (no matter by whom), they have direct impacts on the personal realities of everyone involved. The personal lives of both parents will shift.

A broken birth contract directly creates a new contract between all the souls involved, but this time it's even more complex and sophisticated than before. They are all now tied and interconnected by a new life of some sort somewhere, but this life is most likely invisible or even unknown to them. They are now part of a macro-system that is governing and overseeing their collective-soul contract.

Playing with 'birth contracts' is literally playing with new, unmanifested life. When we play 'games' with the unborn and it fails to be born because of that, we might feel guilty or ashamed, and the unborn might feel the same. This is where we get stuck in the shame-guilt loop, and this is also what creates the paradox of true forgiveness in your system.

The 'original trauma' creates a knock of misunderstood suffering in our systems. It's something we don't fully grasp yet—it’s a trauma. Our brains will try to understand it one way or another to get to the ultimate truth of our suffering. When you get to the truth, you are faced with the paradox of forgiveness itself, and this is where you actually realize there is no one to forgive or be forgiven for anything.

All is love. Suffering is an illusion, but a very persistent one.

It's persistent because it forces you to evolve further and deeper, no matter what.

When you fully understand the paradox of forgiveness, you will clearly see that in reality, you can't actually destroy life or a 'birth contract'; you can only transform it into something else somewhere else. No matter what that something else is, it's still pure love and even bigger than before.

The unborn is not necessarily unmanifested. It might still be born, just differently. You might not be able to see it (or recognize it), but you will most likely still feel it somehow.

The unborn is actually now holding you. You hold and support each other without even fully knowing it. You do it with even more care, love, and compassion than before.

The 'unborn' is a divine gift; it’s just wrapped in a very painful and confusing box sometimes.

The 'unborn' is your key to a very deep level of self-forgiveness and the further expansion of your own consciousness.

No matter what kind of role you have played in the bigger system of things when the 'birth contract' was rewritten and updated—the mother, the father, the child, or any other figures around the scene—and no matter if it was an abortion or miscarriage, the 'unborn' has already forgiven it all. The collective soul of the 'unborn' is already pure.

Now, it's up to all of us to find a way to truly forgive ourselves and the 'unborn' for playing too much with our own soul contracts and the rules of life.

We were co-creating a new life, but we collectively failed to unconditionally accept what comes next; we tried to outplay Nature itself, and she dramatically outplayed us all. But Nature is like a mother—even when she overpowers you with no mercy (or abandons you with no pity), it is still always done in love, for love, and with love. Nature only gives gifts, but sometimes it might take time and patience to know how to fully unpack them. The boxes might be ugly, but what’s inside is always worth it.

We must forgive ourselves for all the missed or failed opportunities to deeply care for each other or to 'mis-care' for ourselves or the ones we love because it's an illusion. The true essence of caring and caring deeply for each other has always been there.


Our own 'unborn' dreams, projects, and the 'mis-cared' souls are already guiding us toward authentic forgiveness. They do this with much love, understanding, and even a touch of fun.

Our deepest dreams and desires teach us how to truly love, respect, and care for each other.

The realization of our deepest dreams and authentic desires leads to true forgiveness. True forgiveness liberates the soul and ends all suffering, if only for an infinite and eternal moment...

The real cycle of Nature is—Rebirth-Life-Rebirth-Life-Rebirth—and so on for eternity, with no clear end or beginning. It’s not about the chicken or the egg. It’s the same paradox. It’s both, already.

It’s about a macro-system, the interconnected and interdependent whole that includes both the 'chicken' and the 'egg.'

To continue playing the endless game of Life with meaning, fun, and pleasure, you need to realize that all the paradoxes in Life are about the same thing: expanding our consciousness further. It’s making us see deeper into ourselves and wider into our shared reality.

It’s showing us how to forgive without understanding.

It’s guiding us on how to trust without believing.

It’s teaching us how to love without knowing.

We are all in a constant process of discovering and experimenting with what it truly means to take care of each other with real compassion, love, and pleasure. And we all might make some 'mis-takes' or mis-care for someone without even being consciously aware of it.

And this, too, can be forgiven.

This, too, can be seen as love.

'Mis-care' is a forever unfolding process of Life, teaching us how to truly care and revealing how deeply we already love each other. Sometimes, it just shows us the 'truth' in very unexpected ways.

Sometimes, we forgive simply because we love.

And this, in turn, enables us to love even more.


Now, it’s time to unconditionally accept the totality of the gift of the 'unborn' itself and the paradox of forgiveness it brings with it.

The soul of the 'unborn' will always love you, no matter what.

Are you able to finally love yourself and everyone around you the same way?


The end. Or the beginning.

This is where the real liberation comes.



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