Nature is the invisible but perceptible connection between the Dream, what we ''think'' we see, hear, taste, smell, touch, and even know and what simply Is, Reality. It is the link between the tangible and the intangible. It is the union between objectivity and subjectivity.
It is the intelligence of order in its most chaotic form, thus unique. It is the singularity point that gives birth to the Infinite. It is the Cocreation of possible and impossible worlds, all at the same time and interconnected, yet always sovereign. A bit like the cells in your body. Together, yet free in their movement, creation, and uniqueness.
Nature is Unconsciousness in its most conscious form. Nature is the mirror of Your own creative power, the one you resist so much. Nature does not ask questions. She has coexisted with you since forever. She simply loves. In her own way, certainly. Somewhat mysteriously, sometimes even a bit violently. She offers you the infinite spectrum of possible experiences, to help you dream even bigger, so that you can expand, to teach you to love without limits, to gently embrace you at every moment without you even realizing it. But, you already know it and you have always known it. That's Love.
Nature loves in silence, in the shadows, in unconsciousness, and in the unknown. She loves you so much that she gives you the entirety of her power of creation from the beginning, unconditionally, without expectations and without agreements. You have free access to her intelligence, to her love, and even to her potential to literally create anything. And, you already do.
Everything has the right to exist, to express itself, to experiment, to play finally and... to laugh like never before. Everyone has the privilege of belonging to a set of things, ideas, forms, elements, lives, and Life itself. Nature is the Seed of possibilities and impossibilities that is rooted in your Heart since the beginning of Time. It blossoms as soon as you light the Sun of your Universe to give it Life, to set it in Motion, to give it the Power to grow.
It is the Fire of your deepest desires, those that lie between your consciousness and your unconsciousness. Right there, in the middle, in the vastness of Creation and the manifestation of your own Dreams. Nature loves you so much that she gives you access to the infinity of tools, technologies, and creations of the entire Universe, and this in all space-times that your Heart desires, through all Beings, inside and outside of all Worlds, visible and invisible, real and imaginary, past and future.
Everything is already there, in The Seed that is planted in your heart from the beginning. All the Power of Creation is there. You are the Master. You are the Gardener. You are the Creator.
Your Heart is the Earth. That's why the seed is planted there. It nourishes, it composts, it brings forth the beauty of creation from the invisible, from nothingness, from your own unconsciousness.
Your Breath is the Wind. It is the one that dances. It is the one that sets the Rhythm. It is the one that creates the melody and sings for you and with You. It reminds you to circulate and to let circulate with every inhale and exhale. To let go, to surrender, to let yourself be invaded and finally to fill yourself up. To float instead of forcing yourself to swim. So that you can marvel even more with the next breath, each time better and better, forever and always at the same time and everywhere.
Your dreams and desires are the Fire. They warm you. They transform and transmute. They give you the desire, the courage, the will. They allow you to cook the most delicious, tender, warm, and comforting meal just for you. They forge the most powerful and sharpest tools. And it's also the Fire that can leave the most painful marks. This is not to punish you. It's just there to teach you the price to pay for your unrealized Dreams. Those you buried in the Void, those you stopped believing in, those you didn't allow to exist and evolve.
Water is your blood. It connects. It communicates. It transmits and shares. Water allows you to see, as in a mirror, your own creation. It allows you to feel the coherence of your desires with the infinity of parts of yourself, in each of your cells, sovereign and free. Like you.
It unifies and harmonizes the potentials and dreams of the seeds that are in the hearts within each of the atoms that compose you and that cocreate with you our common dreams. Water is like the Moon. It allows your Sun to be seen, to be felt, to be gently welcomed and embraced with tenderness. It allows you to exist and to experience yourself on Earth, in your Heart, cradled by the winds of your Breath to realize your Dreams. Water allows you to be loved in all your colors, with all the notes and tones, all the tastes, all the aromas, and all the textures. All with more and more Expansion, Power, and obviously, Love.
So, what is Nature? It is ultimately the Mystery that lies in the seed of your Heart. You are the only one who can push it to make it grow like a tree. Any tree you want and even a forest if your heart desires. You are the only one who can take care of it and cultivate the flowers and pick the fruits. And who knows, maybe one day, you will want to offer it and share your harvest with all of us. One day, you may dare to show us your True Nature. You will dance and sing maybe in each of our atoms.