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What's your game?

People often seem to think I play some kind of weird mind (or other) games with them.

I (almost) always find it funny and amusing when that happens. This is where I usually observe the limitless creativity and authentic level of self-ignorance in someone's mind. It's usually fascinating and potentially even mind-blowing for me to see the extent of the stories we can invent in our heads and even convince ourselves of sometimes.

I rarely play any (hidden) games with people or anything else that they are not already aware of or have consciously consented to (or have persistently asked for).

But I can see how some might feel or believe they are stuck in some kind of 'not very funny game' with me.


We all play games, no matter what.

Sometimes we play our own games without even realizing it, sometimes we co-create shared games and lose ourselves in them, and sometimes we participate in the games of others even if we don't want to or have no idea how we got there.

The more 'exotic' or unique the games we play, the harder it might be for others to find out how to play with us with authentic pleasure and self-satisfaction.

To have any fun playing a game, you need to know what kind of game you want to play (or are already playing), what the rules are, what the intent for 'winning' is, and what you are ready to gain (or lose) by playing.

The fewer elements you consciously understand about the 'game' you are in, the more confused you might be about what is happening or how to play, and you might even leave the game before it properly starts.

And that would be sad. Because, honestly, the game is really fun and extremely amusing.


Most of the time, I play only one game: the game of Real Life.

Because I usually play with other beings (or things) that are also alive, the game we collectively all play is very multidimensional, transcendental, and deep. It might sometimes feel too personal to some, but it's not. It's deeply intimate, 'soul-talking,' and body-penetrating, but it's not personal.

The main advantage of this game is that it's the same game, intentions, and even 'rules' for everyone. Everyone is also already playing this game (whether they consciously acknowledge it or not). The deep structure and logic of the game are about the Divine Order as well as the Law of Nature that we all must obey and honor no matter what.

The disadvantage of this game: it's almost impossible to fully grasp how it works, why we play, who the actual 'players' are, and the 'objectives' of the game might change randomly or even illogically at any moment. Basically, it's pure living Chaos.

The game is hard and complex to understand at first. So, it might be very discouraging or demotivating to go through the process of learning how to play it.

So, instead of playing the big game of Life, we might choose to create personal or more modest games with much simpler rules to play for now.

'System' is a very good example of such more comfortable or simpler games to play for those who are not yet ready to surrender themselves to the majestic Theater of Real Life.

All kinds of systems we use daily play this role of the 'alternative' game for us. Families. Organizations. Churches. Governments.

All the micro (or artificial) systems we create in our lives or in our society are there to help us navigate the macro system of Real Life with more comfort and more safety.

There are many good reasons why we would create all sorts of small and big systems around us and start playing many different games simultaneously.

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with it as long as you never forget that we are all part of the much bigger game of Life, no matter what role we play and in what kind of perverse alternative reality we are stuck.


The only 'personal' games I play are explicitly talked about with the people I play them with.

If you assume you can guess (with certainty) what I think, want, or believe without us explicitly talking about it together, you are probably in your own self-delusion and we are most likely not playing any game together. Well, except the one about Life itself, which we all share and 'play' together anyway.

The other exception to my rule and when I might overpower you with no mercy is if you truly provoke me to do it or if you try to overpower me first in some way without my consent or approval.

If you disrespect in any way my personal power (or the power of someone else) in our shared game (or the macro game of Real Life), I might get into your 'personal' game like a sneaky virus and create some mess there to teach you a lesson and show you your authentic boundaries and limits of possible interventions for you in our collective field.


A part of me actually enjoys playing the provocation game very much with others. It can be extremely intense, fun, and magnetizing. This is why it's not that difficult to see me respond to provocation with an even more 'interesting' provocation.

But I do have very sophisticated and unique 'buttons' in my system that are usually very well hidden. So to provoke me for real is also something very hard and truly rare. It takes a very good master (or a very big innocent) to really get under my skin to make me want to respond for real to provocation with my authentic power.

If someone does manage to provoke me in the right spot with the right strategy for real, I might answer in reaction. And I might be very rude, intense, insensitive, and potentially highly unpredictable.

It might be confusing and even deeply painful. We might regret saying or doing things when that happens.

We all have the 'weak zone' in our system where we literally lose control over our sanity, emotions or mind. A sweet spot that can wake up the beast in your system that we have never seen before and transform our reality with the speed of light in ways we couldn't even imagine until now.

This 'weak zone' is very well protected for all of us. This is the very useful and needed benefit of our mental and emotional conditioning. The conditioning is the shield you have to protect you from your own self. This is the actual purpose of your psychological 'protection mechanisms' and all kinds of self-denial or self-delusion techniques.

Our unique conditioning and our personal trauma content are highly interconnected and deeply entangled. This is why working with any kind of 'limiting belief' or reprogramming any thought in our mind must be done with awareness that we are also simultaneously waking up the 'trauma' in our system.

You cannot work on and change your mental body without direct repercussions on your emotional and physical body at the same time.

The real repercussions of how the change of your belief system truly impacts your body and your emotions are unknown.

This is what emergence and authentic experimentation are.

This is why innovation, creativity, and even science should ideally be highly holistic and integrate a proper trauma-informed approach into their processes and methodologies.


Anyways, back to my favorite game of Real Life.

How do I personally see this game right now and how do I tend to naturally play it with others?

I often use the lenses of physics and mathematics to illustrate some stuff. But today let's try something new. Let's use the scientific branch of Chemistry that is potentially even more mind-blowing in some aspects of our shared reality.

All sciences mainly talk about relationships between things. But Chemistry looks at a very wide range of possible and even impossible combinations and mixtures of things that can do many wild things.

Chemistry brings the concept of relationships and what is possible to create with them to the next level.

Chemistry creates fire and it also creates water. It also makes them interact in various ways depending on the conditions around. Sometimes you can destroy a fire with water. And sometimes you can actually 'fuel' a fire with water.

It's not only water or fire. Literally everything you have around you and in you has something to do with the concept of Chemistry or the way different atoms and molecules interact with each other.

When we started looking for 'pure' elements and understanding their behavior to fill the cases in the periodic table, we needed to do many things.

We were burning rocks, exploding gases, mixing unmixable stuff.

The chemistry experimentation process is wild and highly dangerous. If we work with substances or molecules we don't yet master or understand, we might burn the entire lab. Their behavior might be highly unpredictable under certain conditions or operations. We should be careful, present in our body, and mindful when we perform those kinds of 'discovery' experiences or manipulation with unknown elements.

Once we get to properly know an element and can describe its behavior under different circumstances, we are usually not scared to manipulate them or use them in our daily life.

Once we knew that liquid mercury evaporated when exposed to air and caused many health troubles for people, we stopped using it in our domestic articles.

Once we knew how fire works and what it needs to continue or to be stopped, we were able to do incredible things with fire. To the point of building power engines and radically changing the way we transport ourselves around the world.

Once we knew the real role of Carbon and why its atomic structure is so interesting, we were able to start creating artificial forms of Life very easily.

Once we had more information about what we can do with the properties of gold, silver, copper, silicon, cobalt, and others, we were able to put a supercomputer on the table of almost every household and in the pockets of almost every person walking this earth.

I could go endlessly on this path of explaining how the depth of our understanding of different elements and their behaviors defines our capacity and mastery to manipulate them and invent new stuff by combining them.

Chemistry makes Evolution go wild, endless, and unfolding forever and everywhere all at once.


So, now that we have the basics of how powerful Chemistry is and could be when we properly master the relationships between different elements, I want to bring you to an interesting path of contemplation to go a bit further.

If you consider each human being as a unique element in the collective periodic table, what would that look like?

Imagine there is a mysterious space somewhere where we have a gigantic periodic table of the entire humanity and each human is a unique element in that table.

Each element has its own fusion (or freezing) point. Each element has a unique number of electrons gravitating around its core nucleus. It also has a defined number of empty spaces on its orbit for additional 'neighbors' or free electrons to welcome them in the final configuration.

Each element has its unique qualities, properties, and behaviors when interacting with other elements.

One element can love to chill with another element under certain circumstances, and they might explode and evaporate if they chill together too much under more extreme conditions or if they are put in interaction with other unknown elements or molecules in the system.

Now, if each of us is a unique element and we know nothing about our authentic properties or qualities when we engage in interactions with other human beings, we might create a lot of mixtures and experiences in our relationships that might potentially destroy all of us.


The idea behind the Game of Real Life is to realize that you are born as a unique element among an endless multidimensional space of other unique elements.

Your evolutionary job (or your personal game) is to discover what the properties and qualities of your uniqueness are. What color you are, how you smell, or what your texture is when touched. What you can do and what you cannot. Under what conditions you explode and why you might freeze to death. All of that information is for you to discover, understand, and master during your life experience.

No one can get to know your unique element with the intimacy you can. Only you can authentically discover who you truly are and why you are.

In order for you to know who you are and what you can do, you need to put yourself in interaction with other unique elements and do this under different conditions and in different spaces.

You need to be able to safely experiment with your own element. And you need others around you to do that.

It's through authentic relationships and creative experimentation with other unique humans, atoms, elements, and molecules that we can comprehend who we truly are.


You are your relationships.

So, the real purpose of the Game of Real Life is for you to comprehend how you are made of your relationships and to teach you how to master your own unique element in the wide and deeply wild co-creation game we play here together since the beginning of time.

The more you know who you are, the more sophisticated, complex, and interesting relationships you can develop with others.

The more you comprehend and master the mechanics and dynamics of your relationships with other unique elements and beings around you, the more pleasure, fun, and depth you will experience while playing the game.

The more fun you have, the faster you could evolve and expand your own consciousness!

The more you understand what the game is truly about, the more you would like to continue playing.

Life is a highly exciting and very addictive game.

But first, you need to choose to play it for real and not just think or dream about it in some sort of alternative or artificial reality in your own head.



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That being said, I would like to translate some of my work into other languages and publish it to reach a larger and less online-based audience.​


To accomplish this dream, I need support from those who find my writing worth encouraging.


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