Forgiving is complex and challenging, especially when we struggle to forgive ourselves.
It becomes truly impossible to forgive when we’re not ready to face the full truth from all perspectives. When we hold a grudge against someone, we’re often only seeing half of the truth. For some reason, we’re not yet ready to acknowledge the multitude of perspectives and emotions involved. If we blame someone and say we could never forgive, it’s often because we’re scared to fully and completely understand their truth.
We fear facing the mirror of our deeper selves.
When you say, "I could never forgive this person for that," you’re actually deeply harming yourself. In essence, you’re saying, "There is a part of me I don’t have the courage to see, love, or accept. I don't ever want to know the actual truth of certain aspects of myself."
This reluctance to forgive is about your own consciousness, not the other person or the situation.
If you don’t understand authentic, conscious self-forgiveness, you can’t truly forgive others.
To forgive another, you must have the courage to forgive yourself. We hurt each other for reasons tied to our karmic debts, which we’re trying to deal with more consciously and responsibly than before. But it's not always easy. The more we forgive, the more we start remembering, and the more we remember, the harder it becomes to forgive.
We are all deeply entangled in both bliss and suffering.
We might be hurt now, and we may have hurt someone similarly in the past. We might feel foolish, thinking we haven’t learned from our mistakes, but that’s not entirely true. We do learn, but we learn holistically. Sometimes, we need to play many roles and repeat experiences to truly understand something. The more we expand our consciousness, the more complex the karmic entanglements we face.
As our consciousness interconnects more, deeper unconscious karma surfaces in our awareness and manifests in our relationships. Some of this karma may be lovely and graceful, but some may be perplexing and painful.
The more we heal, the more there is to heal, potentially. But it also becomes more interesting, joyful, and pleasurable.
When you understand how karmic contracts work and why, you’ll see suffering as a valuable resource for consciousness growth, not something to avoid or fear. You’ll realize that the pain we unintentionally inflict on each other always has a deeper reason and meaning—often rooted in love and consciousness itself.
We struggle to forgive because we’re afraid of more truth being revealed to us. We’re terrified to see certain parts of our inner selves, which makes it so hard to forgive those who have hurt us in the past.
It's not about the wounds or pain from our actions. It’s about the further opening of consciousness that reveals truths we’re not ready to accept.
Forgiveness requires the courage to see the mirrors of your soul and welcome them with tenderness and compassion.
Self-forgiveness is self-love.
It’s about the quality of love you can give to your entire self—not just the ego-centered self, but the Self made up of relationships and the sophisticated karmic contracts you share with others.
You are your relationships. Your karma defines the quality and challenges you might re-experience in your relationships. Karma is the guardian of your consciousness, ensuring you remember what you’re learning and why. Karma brings you closer to yourself, showing you more of who you truly are.
But the real currency karma uses to rewrite your contracts is unconditional forgiveness. To avoid repeating the same mistakes, you must first learn to forgive yourself before you can forgive others.
True forgiveness is never about anything other than your own evolution of consciousness. Forgiveness is about understanding, but that understanding has nothing to do with knowledge—it’s about the heart.
When the heart truly knows, feels, and understands, the mind will likely no longer care about knowledge or even truth.
If you want a pure and innocent heart, learn to forgive yourself skillfully and courageously, so you can continue evolving and expanding your conscious awareness.
Suffering is an endless, vicious cycle with no clear exit. Suffering and consciousness are interconnected. Deep truths about the self and the heaviness in the heart are often interdependent. We can choose to project that onto someone else by blaming them and expecting forgiveness forever. We might fill our hearts with unnecessary resentment and sadness, but why would we do that? We can also choose to use that energy to look inward and forgive ourselves for the parts of the deal we failed to uphold with love and care.
Self-forgiveness is one way to navigate the limitless cycles of pain with more fun and pleasure.
The advantage of forgiving yourself over others is that you ensure you won’t repeat the same mistakes in the future, and you maintain your sovereignty and responsibility over your karma.
You give away your inner power by being unable to forgive others. This inability keeps you stuck on your path. You limit your consciousness when you don’t know how to forgive. When you expect forgiveness from others to move on, you give them the keys to the poisoned mental space you’ve created for yourself and your soul. You make your personal evolution and growth dependent on them. You give away your power by being unable to forgive.
By truly forgiving yourself, you reclaim your power from your wounds and use it to rewrite your future evolution and destiny in any way you desire.
The courage to see the truth and fully forgive it all opens the door to further exploration of your consciousness.
Your path of rediscovery and reclaiming who you truly are includes a stop at the self-forgiveness station. There are many mirrors in that station's hall, revealing both truths and illusions. Take the time you need to truly see yourself before continuing your journey, making your further conscious evolution more pleasant and enjoyable.
You are the master and creator of your profound bliss and deepest suffering.
If you want true bliss, forgive yourself for real, and you'll have it.