In the realms of spiritual development, we often discuss the mysterious concept of soul contracts. These are perceived as agreements made between souls to ensure that our journeys unfold as intended. Sometimes, these contracts are used to explain karmic connections or deep relationships we have with others. While some believe these contracts are tied to past or future lives, opinions vary. Essentially, a soul contract seems to be an agreement between souls that influences events or situations in our lives.
Many believe that one soul is assigned to one being, and that being has only one soul—a sort of exclusive deal. Why we believe this, I'm not entirely sure. Most also seem to think that these contracts are primarily one-to-one agreements between souls.
Some believe that souls can split into two or more parts for unknown reasons, with the ultimate spiritual goal being to reunite those parts. Others see souls as sisters or something similar.
To be honest, I'm not deeply into this stuff, but certain personal experiences with a more 'mystical' nature have made me wonder.
However, most of what I've observed and experienced in my own consciousness around these questions seems to contradict commonly accepted beliefs.
To start with, I don't really believe in the concept of past lives. Past and future are entangled. There is only the Now that is real. When you access the real Now, you can actually change the programming of the time continuum, altering both the past and the future.
That being said, I do believe in parallel lives.
I also don't believe a soul would split in two for any reason. It makes no sense—why would it do such a thing? A soul can duplicate and clone itself an endless number of times, so why would it need to split into parts when it can make copies?
We could interpret the phenomenon of a soul 'splitting' in two ways: as a separation or as a soul creating another. The end result is still two souls, but no actual splitting is required; it might just be a soul creating or giving birth to another soul. To me, this perspective aligns better with the mathematics of the universe—ultimately, there is no such thing as subtraction or division, only addition and multiplication. It's also a less violent way to perceive reality, so I prefer to maintain this view.
From this perspective, we can ask ourselves many interesting questions about the soul, how it works, and what it can do. I'm constantly pondering these kinds of questions. Today, I'm eager to explore the concept of multi-being souls and what might be unique about them.
What if souls could be collective, shared between different beings like living networks? What if you don't actually need to die to reincarnate into another form or even have another body simultaneously? What if, at some point, your consciousness could access a collective soul, not just your own?
What if there are group-level contracts between constellations of souls, not just individual ones? What if we sometimes sign long-term contracts between entire families, ancestral lineages, and even cultures that include many generations and beings simultaneously?
What if we have one-to-one soul contracts for some matters, but also network-to-network contracts for deeper interconnections and more significant karma? What if some karmic contracts are shared by groups and must be addressed collaboratively with others?
What if some tasks and conditions within these soul contracts are collective and must be completed together, with the approval of everyone involved?
What if some souls incarnate exclusively within pre-formed constellations and interconnected networks? And what if there are laws and rules applied at the macro level that governs the group? Imagine if a group has unresolved business with another group—how would we approach this?
Having one being from one group and one being from another group agree on something doesn't create full approval or consensus between the groups. What two beings want is usually not enough in this setup; both networks must agree.
An example of this could be an arranged marriage.
In an arranged marriage, it's obviously hoped that people will fall in love, but the entire families must agree to unite their ancestry. The family or social networks of both individuals should ideally support their union.
This is a known challenge for many people in love when their families do not approve of their potential union. Many love stories revolve around this issue, starting with Romeo and Juliet.
Many couples today still struggle with this dilemma in their personal lives: their love partner or their families, and they have a hard time uniting them peacefully as one.
Some karma is personal. Some karma is collective.
Collective karma follows network-level contracts between souls.
Collective soul contracts do not obey the same logic and mechanics of execution as personal contracts do. They are more complex, sophisticated, and intense.
When a contract is signed between groups, it must be executed between groups. The more people involved in a group, the more intense, complex, and impactful the contract may be. The greater the diversity and polarities between groups, the more challenging it will be to achieve the contract successfully.
The more complex the trauma the contract addresses, the more intensity it will hold.
This is why, in royal families, it is so important to have the approval of the entire family to marry. People from royal families often feel a lot of pressure and control to follow their families' wishes. They know they are playing with fire if they marry someone whose ancestry has deep unresolved issues with theirs.
If someone from a royal family marries someone from a lineage that was abused by kings for centuries, it might create intensity in the family dynamics. The couple might struggle to reconcile their ancestral wounds. Their co-healing process could be very confusing and painful if their elders were harsh toward each other.
This is also why it's often easier and less challenging to date someone from the same culture and background as you. You share similar ancestral and cultural trauma, which makes your relationship relatively easier to navigate spiritually.
When people have a lot of unprocessed trauma from past generations between them, they will have a hard time connecting authentically or may experience explosive emotions without understanding why.
They might feel a lot of 'electricity' drawing them to each other, but it might be intense and frightening. However, this kind of energy is a gold mine for healing potential.
When a relationship has the potential to reconcile entire lineages, it is powerful and transformative. Such a relationship can heal entire families and communities in a magical way. It fosters personal evolution and deepens the levels of healing and regeneration that can be achieved.
However, it may also be emotionally intense and harshly judged by others. The relationship itself will highlight the collective traumas that people resist confronting or feeling. They may not understand and may resist.
It's funny that I intended to talk mainly about group and network-scale soul contracts, but I ended up discussing love. I suppose everything is interconnected somehow, often in wild and unexpected ways.
Some people operate at the level of their individual soul experience or 'contract,' while others function from a group-level consciousness. They are part of a larger whole and deal with network-level contracts. Their way of making decisions and experiencing their conscious awareness is completely different. Their inner worldview is about the group, not their unique consciousness.
They have full access to their individual consciousness and inner system, but they also have access to the group-level consciousness simultaneously. They can easily tap into the collective mind and feel the collective soul in their nervous system. They have no control or authority over the group but are a sovereign part of a larger system and consciousness with other beings.
They still have free will and inner power. They can do whatever they want, but their soul is linked to a network they are conscious of. They can transgress the rules and disrespect the group-level contract anytime, but they will be responsible for the consequences of such decisions. They might be banned from the network and lose access to their collective soul.
Daring to disrespect a network-level contract is bold and audacious. It's also dangerous and may bring more suffering than expected. However, it can also be an interesting and even fun process to challenge deep rules of outdated networks to help them evolve.
Some groups are isolated, not appropriately connected to the collective whole. They may have 'internet,' but their hearts cannot feel beyond their own. They don't use their power and wisdom to their full potential. Sometimes, this is due to old karmic contracts that no one dares to touch.
Isolated networks are not healthy.
They will implode at some point. A network becomes isolated due to fear of suffering and dealing with complex trauma. But if they isolate, they will never be able to process and integrate the trauma they already hold, and at some point, it might explode in their faces.
Networks need to be more interconnected. But we must respect the 'rules' in place and do so in coherence with each network.
We must understand that when we interconnect different networks to collaborate, we connect their trauma as well.
This can become very exciting, powerful, and impactful for co-creation between networks. But it can also become emotionally challenging.
We all want to collaborate and co-create more. We desire a shared reality where we are all in love and peace with each other. But to get there, we must move slowly, respectfully, and with deep compassion for what still hurts.
Evolution is not only mental; it is also emotional.
If you want a highly interconnected mind and next-level shared reality, you must also learn how to have a truly interconnected heart and the actual courage to fully feel it.
Change and transformation are always more meaningful and impactful when done in coherence with what we think and what we feel.
When we operate from a space of deep heart-mind harmony, we realize that our soul is already part of many different networks.
We may already be part of a majestic, beautiful, and collective soul contract.
And perhaps the rules of that macro-scale agreement are simple and easy.
Maybe those rules are the same for all contracts. But where would the fun be if we all knew them already?